As the population in the National Capital Region contiues to grow, the City of Ottawa has identified a need for new transportation infrastructure to support the growing communities south of Orleans. Their preferred option is to extend Brian Coburn Boulevard across the Greenbelt to connect with existing highway infrastructure south of the intersection of Highway 174 and Blair Road.
The proposed high speed, multi-lane highway will have a devastating impact on the ecological integrity of the Greenbelt and should not be built in the area being advanced by the City of Ottawa. The new highway will sever all natural linkages between Mer Bleue, Greens Creek and the Ottawa River, and will adversely impact Mer Bleue Bog – an internationally recognized wetland and the most biodivese area in eastern Ontario.
Other options do exist, including expanding the proposed LRT network farther into Orleans or improving the design of existing infacrstucture, such as Innes Road, which already crosses the Greenbelt.
Please take a moment to express your concern about this project which goes against the spirit of the recently approved Greenbelt Master Plan.